BAM Photography

About the photographer:
I'm a photographer from Sherwood Park, AB. Photography has been my favourtie hobby for over ten years, and that hobby has turned into a passion. Specializing in lifestyle, portraiture, and freelance, I also have skills in other areas of photography. I enjoy shooting a wide range of genres and I'm alwyays happiest with my camera in hand. I like the challenges and I look forward to increasing my knowledge and skills where ever I can. Photography is a form of art: as a photograher, I try to inspire others and show my way of viewing the world.
My interest in photography started over ten years ago with small "pocket cameras." Throughout the years, my collection of cameras and knowledge grew and developed into high end, quality equipment. At the age of sixteen, I recieved my first pro DSLR camera. When that camera started to malfunction, I bought myself a brand new higher end DSLR. Eventually, I decided to upgrade again and add one more camera to my collection. Now I own all of my own equipment and I have converted a small room in my house into a studio.
I learned some photography techniques through my school years, mainly high scool. However, for the most part I am self taught. Previously I have entered and won photo contests. My favourite was first place for a digitally altered picture that I created from a photo I took of a flower in my Mom's garden.
Generally, it's only been the last three years that I've been charging for my services. When I first began taking pictures, I primarily shot nature and wildlife. Now, as I've increased my understanding, appreciation and love for my hobby, I am open to any syle of photo-shoot that my clientelle desires.
As a wildlife photographer, one of my favourite days was spent photographing a family of geese. I spent approximately three hours slowly gaining their trust, and coaxing them closer and closer. When they all finally settled down for a nap, one baby nuzzeled it's way underneath the mother's wing. For two or three years, one of my biggest challenges was to photograph a pelican in flight. I finally accomplished that and my next challenge is to capture better photographs of the ellusive cormmorant.